HUDYAT: DB Mandaluyong Celebrates Holy Spirit Mass

The Salesians of DBTC Mandaluyong with Cardinal Advincula at the fore of the group photo after the mass of the Holy Spirit.

On August 1, 2023, the first day of the month and the official opening of the academic year, the 2023 Mass of the Holy Spirit of Don Bosco Technical College (DBTC) took place at the St. John Bosco Chapel. It was attended by Salesian educators, student leaders, Salesian Cooperators, Benefactors, alumni, and other guests.

This year’s Mass of the Holy Spirit was presided over by Cardinal José Advíncula Jr., and concelebrated by Fr. Ronilo Javines, SDB, Rector and President of Don Bosco Mandaluyong, and Fr. Marc Will Lim, SDB, Vice President for Administration.

In his homily, Cardinal Advincula said that the Holy Spirit “offers each of us the opportunity to renew our relationship. It signifies for us a new beginning. The Holy Spirit invites us to renew our lives, to grow and improve ourselves.”

The Holy Spirit offers each of us the opportunity to renew our relationship. It signifies for us a new beginning. The Holy Spirit invites us to renew our lives, to grow and improve ourselves.
— Cardinal Advincula

During the Mass, student leaders, directors, and officers of the DBTC were blessed by the Cardinal, a historic event that was witnessed by DBTC stakeholders both onsite and online.

Fr. Rector presenting the new Vision-Mission Statement and Goals of Don Bosco Mandaluyong.

After the Mass, the celebration of the Holy Spirit coincided with the presentation of the new DBTC Vision-Mission, Salesian Community, House Council, Council of Work led by Fr. Rector (Fr. Javines, SDB), the presentation/induction of the new Directors, and designated Salesian Educators led by respective Vice Presidents for Administration (Fr. Lim, SDB), Pastoral Affairs and Student Services (Fr. Protacio, SDB) and Academic Affairs (Mr. Matulac) followed by the oath of commitment led by Human Resources Director (Mr. Kishimoto) and Basic Education Student President (Mr. Villena). To make the night more engaging, the three best male and female dresses were awarded a cash prize and served with a sumptuous dinner for everyone.

Bosconian Leaders with Fr. Rector and Fr. Marc Will.

This year’s Mass of the Holy Spirit theme is “HUDYAT.” A Filipino term for sign (senyas), mark (tanda), or preparedness (kahandaan). As DBTC now shifts to a transformational year, it is a sign that this year is the start to transform words into action to fulfill the well-deliberated and agreed-upon goals and milestones in preparation for its 75 years of service in 2028, in educating and evangelizing the young.

Bosconian Leaders taking their oath of office during the formal program.

“Hudyat” is the fruit of the labor of the Administrative Department in coordination with the Pastoral Affairs and Student Services and Boyscout to give quality service from preparation to implementation and to making an impact and creating a legacy for the DBTC community.

The night was capped off by a goodnight talk delivered by Fr. Demetrio Carmona, SDB, DBTC Vice Rector.

”Hudyat” is not just an event but a new moment in the life of Don Bosco Technical College. It is an act to show appreciation to every Salesian Father, Brother, Bosconian Educator and Staff and our Bosconian Student leaders who have chosen to contribute to the community in a much more significant role this new academic year and take to heart the importance of a new beginning for every one of us.

More than ever, DBTC needs the Holy Spirit's help to realize its mission and dreams. DBTC has deep desires to accomplish many things and has excellent yearnings to find God to learn from each other and engage holistically under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The men and women on the verge of the transformation of Don Bosco Mandaluyong.


Mr. Ken T. Kishimoto, MAEd, RPm, LPT, DBTC Director of the Office for Human Resources, wrote this article which was first published in “inFINity”, the Official Newsletter of the Salesians of Don Bosco Philippines North Province–FIN, August 2023 issue. You can read it here: