Step I. Application

Fill out the application form.

  1. Submit the following documents to the Office for Records and Admission

    • Freshmen: Latest Copy of Grades

    • Transferees: Transfer Credential (original copy)

    • Certificate of Good Moral Character (original copy)

    • PSA Birth Certificate (original copy)

    • Baptismal Certificate (original copy) for Catholic applicants only.

    • Medical Certificate

    • Certification includes:

      • Physical check-up

      • X-ray result

      • Visual acuity test (color blind test)

      • Body Tattoo

    • Required ID Picture - Blue background white polo:

      • Four (4) copies of Passport size ID picture and Four (4) copies. 1 x 1 ID picture.

  2. Secure exam permit from the Admissions Office.

Additional requirements for the FOREIGN applicant:

  1. Original and Photocopy of ICard

  2. Original and Photocopy of Passport bio-page and latest admission with valid authorized stay

Step II. Testing Procedure and Interview

Be at the Testing Area 15 minutes before the test.

  1. Present exam permit.

  2. Proceed to the designated place for the interview.


  1. Sign the Religion Agreement Form

  2. Secure Clearance Form

Step III. Reservation

Note: Applicants with incomplete requirements will not be scheduled for testing

Requirements for Enrollment

  1. Original copy of Report Card/Form 138

  2. Original and Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

  3. Photocopy of Baptismal Certificate (for Catholic applicants only)
