2023-2024 Foundation Week Title, Official Hashtag, and Logo Contest



In celebration of the 2023-2024 DBTC Foundation Week, the Foundation Week Committee is pleased to announce the launch of a 3-in-1 contest for the Foundation Week Title, Official Hashtag, and Logo.

The winning logo, title, and hashtag will become the official symbols of Foundation Week, subject to possible refinements, and will be featured in printed and digital media for communication and informational materials. The theme for our celebration is inspired by the 2024 Strenna of the Rector Major:

"The dream that makes you dream."

A heart that transforms "wolves" into "lambs."

For a deeper understanding of the theme, we encourage everyone to read the article available at this link: https://bit.ly/RMStrenna2024ENG

Contest Mechanics

The contest is open to all enrolled students and current employees of Don Bosco Technical College for AY 2023-2024.

  1. Entries for the logo, hashtag, and title of the Foundation Week must:

    a. Be digitally created with a file extension of PNG, JPEG, or PDF, in at least 300 DPI resolution.

    b. Have a white and transparent background, with no restrictions on the number of colors used.

    c. Be free from watermarks, electronic signatures, initials, or the participant's name.

    d. Include a brief description (not exceeding 300 words) in English or Filipino explaining the concept, design, and elements of the logo, hashtag, and title of the Foundation Week.

    e. Be created by the contestant and related to the theme.

  2. Each participant is allowed to submit one (1) entry only.

  3. The contest is conducted online. Entries must be emailed to dbmanda.fwc@one-bosco.org.

    • With the subject: “DBMFW Contest-FULL NAME.”

    • The email body must provide the following information:

      • i. Full Name

      • ii. Age

      • iii. Sex

      • iv. Mobile Number

      • v. Email Address

      • vi. Address

  4. Entries must be submitted from December 1 to December 12, 2023 (Extended!). The winners for the Logo, hashtag, and title of the Foundation Week will be announced on December 14, 2023.

  5. The winner will receive a cash prize (₱5,000) and a certificate. The second and third place will also receive a cash prize (₱2,000 & ₱1,000, respectively) and certificate. All participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.

  6. Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

    • Concept/Relevance to the Theme - 30%

    • Originality/Uniqueness - 30%

    • Creativity - 20%

    • Impact - 10%

    • Clarity/Readability - 10%

  7. All entries must not be published on any media platform before the announcement of the winner/s.

  8. By entering the contest, the participant declares and agrees that:

    a. The submitted entry is an original work created solely by the participant, has not been submitted to any other contest, and does not infringe on any existing copyrights.

    b. Online disclosure and publication of names and entries related to the announcement of results of the contest.

    c. All entries will now become part of the school and can be utilized by the school.


For questions, please contact:

Mr. Christopher M. Aliscad

Chairman, Founder’s Day Celebration Steering Committee

cmaliscad@one-bosco.org | 8531-8081 loc. 1615