Don Bosco Technical College

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DB Manda Hosts SYALA 2023: Together, We Step-up

On September 30, 2023, Don Bosco Technical College (DBTC) Mandaluyong hosted an inspiring and energizing event that brought together young leaders, animators, and Salesians from various Don Bosco settings and youth groups. The Salesian Youth Animators and Leaders Assembly (SYALA) 2023, held with the theme "TOGETHER, WE STEP-UP," was a testament to the spirit of unity and camaraderie within the Salesian community.

(09/30/2023) Participants of SYALA 2023 watching an AVP.

The day began with an air of excitement as participants gathered for registration from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. Soon after, the event officially commenced with an opening prayer and welcoming remarks from the organizers. The morning program continued with sessions on Primer, PRIME, and Manifesto, as well as Processing and Unfreezers, providing a solid foundation for the day's activities.

A well-deserved break came in the form of a snacks session from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM, giving attendees the opportunity to recharge and socialize. The event then transitioned into a talk on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Salesian Values where Rev. Paul Aldrin Dungca, SDB encouraged the Salesian youth leaders and animators to reflect on how technology and faith can intersect in their lives and use them well for their ministry.

Lunchtime, from 12:00 NN to 1:00 PM, provided participants with the chance to bond further and share their experiences. The afternoon was dedicated to elections and group meetings, where the youth groups were assigned rooms across the campus for their discussions.

To prepare for the evening's solemnity, attendees gathered for singing practice and mass preparations at 3:30 PM. The culmination of the day was the Holy Mass at 4:30 PM, already celebrating the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Fr. Gerry Martin, SDB, FIN Provincial Superior, led the concelebrated mass. At the end of the celebration, the youth surprised Fr. Provincial with a cake and an advanced birthday greeting.

The event's success was further evident through the active participation of various youth groups, each meeting in designated rooms within the college buildings for their discussions. The sense of community and purpose was palpable as young leaders engaged in meaningful conversations.

Fr. Ramil Maranan, SDB, SYM-FIN Delegate, shared through social media his thoughts on SYALA 2023, encapsulating the event's essence with the theme, "TOGETHER, WE STEP-UP." He emphasized the importance of unity, leadership, and faith, echoing the values dear to Don Bosco's heart.

He expressed his gratitude to those who made this event possible. The Salesian Youth Movement of the Philippines North Province, in collaboration with the Pastoral Team, the Salesian Community, and the entire Educative Pastoral Community of Don Bosco Technical College in Mandaluyong, deserves commendation for organizing this event. It provided a platform for young leaders to come together, share experiences, and deepen their understanding of Don Bosco's charism and spirituality.

As we look to the future, may the spirit of SYALA 2023 continue to inspire and empower young leaders to step up and make a positive impact on their communities, guided by the Salesian values of love, service, and unity. Together, they will carry forward the legacy of Don Bosco and continue to bless, protect, and guide the youth, especially those in need.

(09/30/2023) Fr. Gerry Martin SDB, FIN Provincial Superior posed with the concelebrating priests at the end of the concluding mass of SYALA 2023.